Visit from The Minister for Gender
28th November 2019Earlier this week, we were pleased to welcome Mary Thom Navicha MP. She’s the Minister for Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare. She wrote in the guest book. “I am very grateful to be here to appreciate the performance of Home of Hope and also to be updated on their challenges. Am impressed.” Whilst at the home, she had the opportunity to visit all the facilities that the home has to offer, including the schools, clinic and technical college. We very much appreciate the Minister taking the time to visit us and look forward to welcoming her again soon.
Posted in Events, General

Rev Chipeta and Shingai Arrive Home
17th January 2019Rev. Chipeta and Shingai have arrived safely back at the home, following their overseas trip to the USA and UK.
Posted in Agogo, Events

Rev. Chipeta & Shingai Visiting Supporters
26th November 2018Rev. Chipeta and his personal assistant Shingai are in the USA until 8th December, and will be visiting the UK (9th December-16th January 2019) God willing.