The Site
We operate a primary school, secondary school, and vocational training centre serving children living on site and from the local community.
Over 600 children receive an education each day including many who would otherwise be unable to afford school fees.
The village is the at core of our mission, accommodating staff and children, along with washing and cooking facilities.
Alongside the village is a clinic and a maize mill, providing vital support to the home and community.
We own and operate a large farm to help feed all the children living at the home and attending our schools.
Alongside our staple maize, we grow a wide variety of fruit, vegetables and beans to provide a varied diet.
Current Projects
We've joined with Neno Macadamia Trust to plant Macadamia trees at our home and farm.
Macadamia nuts provide good nutritional value, and the trees help improve soil quality and reverse the effects of deforestation.
Puberty can be a challenging and confusing time for young people, and that challenge is exacerbated when there is no ready access to sanitary products for girls.
In partnership with others, we've been able to establish a supply of washable re-usable pads and cleaning kits that enable girls to remain in education and achieve greater independence.
The Vocational Training Centre is the latest addition to our educational facilities.
It will enable us to professionally teach a wide range of practical skills and trades to young men and women graduating from secondary school.